P-04-598  Disability Awareness Training 

Petition wording:

We want to make disability awareness training compulsory across any organisation providing face to face customer service. So that staff know how to assist and support a disabled person confidently, safely, effectively and equally. The Equality Act 2010 states that all organisations should make a reasonable adjustment for a disabled person, however there are many organisations that are unsure how to do this correctly and reasonably. Therefore we would like to see a more inclusive society and a law put into place so that people are aware of disability and raise the quality of customers experiences for disabled people or currently know how to support disabled people.

The training should incorporate adequate time of each element of disability separately. Mental health, visual impairment, learning, hearing and physical. I recommend half day training per element. This training should be renewed every 3 years to keep up to date.

Petitioner: Visualise Training and Consultancy 

First considered by the Committee: 23 September 2014

Number of Signatures:   62